Save the date! The next global QGIS User Conference will be in Norrköping, Sweden from 2-3 June, 2025. Our contributor meeting will be directly afterwards from 4 to 6 June, 2025.
QGIS User Conference and Contributor meetings are the best place to engage with the community, keep up with the latest QGIS related news, and find your own path to contributing to the QGIS project.
Double click on this entry to find out more!
"pk": 90,
"publish_from": 1733162100.0,
"publish_to": 1749318900.0,
"title": "QGIS User Conference 2025 will take place in June in Sweden",
"image": "https://feed.qgis.org/media/feedimages/2024/12/02/norkopping_qgis_2025-06.jpg",
"content": "<p><strong>Save the date! The next global QGIS User Conference will be in Norrköping, Sweden from 2-3 June, 2025. Our contributor meeting will be directly afterwards from 4 to 6 June, 2025.</strong></p>\r\n<p>QGIS User Conference and Contributor meetings are the best place to engage with the community, keep up with the latest QGIS related news, and find your own path to contributing to the QGIS project. </p>\r\n<p><strong>Double click on this entry to find out more!</strong></p>",
"url": "https://www.qgis.org/community/organisation/meetings/uc-2025/",
"sticky": true