The Cyber Resilience Act will, by design, place considerable strain on the Open Source Geospatial Foundation and the service providers who power so much of our ecosystem. The OSGeo community has been active during this process lending their voice of concern, feedback, and moral objection (not everything is a product!) and support. We encourage you to get informed and lend your voice of support to ensure that these laws do not jeopardise or impact projects like QGIS. Double-click this entry to learn more.
OpenStreetMap (OSM) is free to use, but not free to run. The QGIS user experience is tremendously improved thanks to OSM data, tiles, geocoding, and other services. OSM depends on donations from people like you! Double-click this entry to learn how to support OSM's continued stability, quality, and independence.
A message of peace from the QGIS Community: We, the developers, contributors and community members of the QGIS Project view the ongoing world events in Ukraine and other conflict areas around the world with great sadness. Our aim in developing QGIS has always been to provide a powerful tool to support the creation of a just and humane society. We want to enable a world where every person has a voice, the ability to express, and be secure in, their tenure in their homes, villages, towns, cities and countries. We hope tools like QGIS are used to the benefit of all citizens on earth, to support a sustainable environment, an orderly society and, in particular, to establish and preserve sovereign dignity, security and freedom from oppression.
We ask the leaders of the world to resolve their disputes peacefully, through negotiation and compromise, humility and deference to the citizens who are placed in your care. To the members of the QGIS Community that are caught up in this conflict, our thoughts and support are with you, and we hope that you and your families are safe and that this conflict comes to a speedy end.
"pk": 65,
"publish_from": 1699633377.0,
"publish_to": 1731255779.0,
"title": "OSGeo Statement: EU Cyber Resilience Act",
"image": "https://feed.qgis.org/media/feedimages/2023/11/09/europe.jpg",
"content": "<p>The Cyber Resilience Act will, by design, place considerable strain on the Open Source Geospatial Foundation and the service providers who power so much of our ecosystem. The OSGeo community has been active during this process lending their voice of concern, feedback, and moral objection (not everything is a product!) and support. We encourage you to get informed and lend your voice of support to ensure that these laws do not jeopardise or impact projects like QGIS. <strong>Double-click this entry to learn more.</strong></p>",
"url": "https://www.osgeo.org/foundation-news/eu-cyber-resilience-act/",
"sticky": false
"pk": 64,
"publish_from": 1699546641.0,
"publish_to": 1731255443.0,
"title": "It\u2019s OSM\u2019s Birthday! Please donate to support its future.",
"image": "https://feed.qgis.org/media/feedimages/2023/11/08/osm-funding.jpg",
"content": "<p>OpenStreetMap (OSM) is free to use, but not free to run. The QGIS user experience is tremendously improved thanks to OSM data, tiles, geocoding, and other services. OSM depends on donations from people like you! <strong>Double-click</strong> this entry to learn how to support OSM's continued stability, quality, and independence.</p>",
"url": "https://supporting.openstreetmap.org",
"sticky": false
"pk": 49,
"publish_from": 1645811590.0,
"publish_to": null,
"title": "QGIS for Peace",
"image": "https://feed.qgis.org/media/feedimages/2022/02/25/Flag_of_Ukraine.jpg",
"content": "<p>A message of peace from the QGIS Community: We, the developers, contributors and community members of the QGIS Project view the ongoing world events in Ukraine and other conflict areas around the world with great sadness. Our aim in developing QGIS has always been to provide a powerful tool to support the creation of a just and humane society. We want to enable a world where every person has a voice, the ability to express, and be secure in, their tenure in their homes, villages, towns, cities and countries. We hope tools like QGIS are used to the benefit of all citizens on earth, to support a sustainable environment, an orderly society and, in particular, to establish and preserve sovereign dignity, security and freedom from oppression.</p>\r\n<p>We ask the leaders of the world to resolve their disputes peacefully, through negotiation and compromise, humility and deference to the citizens who are placed in your care. To the members of the QGIS Community that are caught up in this conflict, our thoughts and support are with you, and we hope that you and your families are safe and that this conflict comes to a speedy end.</p>",
"url": "https://www.qgis.org/en/site/getinvolved/governance/codeofconduct/codeofconduct.html",
"sticky": false